Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Day in the Life

Last night I come home to my sweet babies and chaos reigns. Before my sitter even has a chance to leave. Caitlin bites Gaven making him bleed. Of course, discipline insues and here I am holding both children who are crying hysterically. Funny part is they start crying and hugging each other because they are both crying. A long evening winds down and I am left going to bed, praying about whether I am being a good mother to these two blessings.

Fast forward to this morning. Gaven and I are watching "Life Today" on t.v. Each day they have a segment of trying to get people to sponsor wells in Africe. I have to admit that I usually change the station during this segment. It is usually too painful and depressing to watch. Today we watched. Gaven, who was eating a popsycle (yes, I know how bad this is but sometimes you just want to make it through the morning) commented on how those children didn't have any water. He kept saying, "Momma they can't have mud water, they need clean water." I suggested we pray for these children and he said the sweetest pray about giving these children clean water and not muddy water. It was at that moment that I thought, "Ok, Lord we are going to make it, they must be getting it."


Tressa said...

Girl, you are an amazing mother. Just the fact that your sitting here pondering these things show us all how much you care for your kids.
I think your doing a great job, read Deuteronomy 6:6-7(NIV). It says
"6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

Tam said...

Before i came to the comment page I was thinking of the very same verse that Tressa quoted! I agree totally, 100%...

Keep it up! The Lord is with you and your precious ones every step of the way!

They are a blessing and blessed to have you to call mama!

Tressa said...

Great minds think alike right Tam?