Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Too Long

I have decided I am not a successful blogger. Life gets way too busy and then I forget that I haven't updated everyone on the things I have asked them to pray about. My earlier blogs were about the craziness with my ex-husband. He is still crazy but I am removing myself from the situation. I have made him contact me regarding visitation and such. I was doing way too much for him. So far he has held up his end and seen the children each week. We have also stopped discussing his marriage. Although I find myself daily praying for them to have a realization of Christ's saving power and grace. Never thought I would be praying for them but God is gracious to us all.

Thank you all so much for the prayers. It is amazing to me but every time I think I have "arrived" God shows me another area I need to work on. Money, family relationships, submitting to Him, etc. Each time the outcome is wonderful but the growing pains are just that pains. Does anyone else ever feel this way?


Anonymous said...

hey there girly.
I'm proud of you. We still need to go out... maybe i'll hold your photos hostage until we start meeting... howz that for accountability???

Tam said...

you impress me. you have risen above. you are taking the high road and doing the right thing. praying for them is awesome! glad you posted this. i check on you every day!

hope you're doing well!